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What Readers are Saying About Hidden Gems

Hidden Gems is the best ARC team that I have participated in. They put you in control of selecting the genre and book you are willing to review as they become available. Many ARC groups are for a specific author or you must read everything you are sent regardless if it’s something you want to read or not. With Hidden Gems you only request what you are interested in. The process is so simple and organized. You know exactly when to expect the ARC to be sent and when it’s due. HG’s variety of authors has exposed me to some that I hadn’t read before and am grateful to have reviewed.

L. M. Hoak

Lancaster, PA

I love this program and it has many awesome books the only thing missing is to choose only m/m stories as i only read but this site will give u all the amazing stories u ever dreamed of for free, and i review them on Amazon

Toni Kure


The quality of books you get are actually very good and I enjoy being able to review books and give feedback.



From the Blog

Author Spotlight Interview: J.C. Benthin

Today’s interview is with charming and creative author J.C. Benthin. J.C. writes young adult and children’s novels that entertain and inspire. It was our pleasure to chat with J.C. about her writing style, future projects and life outside of writing! HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? JCB: Given my experience in writing screenplays, I tend to write more cinematically with dialogue driven characters.  HG: Makes sense! You began writing as a young girl. Has “author” always been your dream job? Tell us a bit about your publishing journey. JCB: I am giggling as I write this because it took me a long time to even consider myself an author. I started my first romance novel in 3rd grade. I hand wrote it in cursive on blue lined paper and I never finished it. My writing continued in my journals, documenting moments… Read More >

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